Every now-and-then, the sun rises to smile upon a well done deed.
My good friend, co-worker, and Deadhead/Bluegrass fan, Steve sent me four mp3’s of Asie Payton today.
I voiced the same question myself – who’s Asie Payton?
Well, Asie's just the bit of sunshine I needed on this cold day.A farmer who lived a sub-poverty level life in Holly Ridge, Mississippi, Asie played guitar and sang his tunes for pure enjoyment at the local grocery on Saturday nights.
Fat Possum Records had hopes of taking Asie’s talent national (at least into wider circulation) but he didn’t like to leave his home. Asie died while sitting atop his tractor in 1997. Fat Possum recorded him twice and has made two CD’s available;
“Just Do Me Right” and “Worried”.
I’m captivated by his soulful vocals – raw and honest – and rhythmic guitar.
“Worried” was to be a demo album -- not for wide release. “I Love You” reminds me of John Lee Hooker, but with a modern dance beat. His amp gives up that lovely deep chime that sucks you in so his guitar licks can wrap themselves around your head. A bit over produced – but Asie’s vibe is right up front.
“Do Me Right” from the CD titled “Just Do Me Right” has a early 60’s There are hints to popular tunes of the era, but this from a man who only wrote the tunes to satisfy himself.
You gotta respect a man who loves his land and plays for the music and not the dollar. But I wish Asie had given more of himself to us.
Copyright 2006 12Bar
Images may not be used without permission.
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