The air was crisp and cool. A near-perfect night on historic King Street. Or, it was until the wail of a guitar jumped through the 2nd story window of the joint next-door to Murphy's.
It was live Blues. I removed the key from the ignition and paused. Perhaps my night is not over. I sat my helmet atop the gas tank and started to dismount. Blues, yeah.
It was Bad Blues.
I sat back down.
I'm a wanna-be Blues spewed forth.
rattled the windows of the shop behind me.
A few folks walking past stopped -- looked up -- and entered the bar. The Bad Blues Pandemic spreads it's evil venom. The bartender must be smiling
Hey, I got a Strat, an old tube amp,
and I know how to play I - IV - V
therefore I must be a Blues player Blues.
When will this viral disease stop spreading?
It's no wonder people either don't like Blues or misunderstand the genre. Players devoid of soul, heart, feeling, sense of tradition, knowledge of history, and a bit-of-the-devil are calling themselves Blues bands and getting gigs.
Why? Cause bars want live music to sell drinks. People want to go out and hear live music -- no matter how poorly it's played.
Do that 12-bar thing and sing about
your woman running off with the dog.
Sing about your Mamma not making the cornbread right.
Sing about your whiskey tasting like a rooster
and do that matchbox broom thing.
It don't matter son, it's only blues
and no one likes it much anyhow.
Now what can I get you to drink?
It's all part of the iPod dumbing down of music. Download your 128bit song for a buck and play it back on cheap earbuds, or through your nifty white plastic Bose fill-the-room-with-sound player.
entertainment. Now can I refill that drink for ya?
There is no desire for quality, or authenticity, in this digital age.
Copyright 2006 12Bar
Images may not be used without permission.
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